Saturday, January 31, 2009

I still have a sick feeling in my stomach, but I think i just drank too much coffee this morning.

I just want to say that one thing I hate about winter is when I drop my keys in the snow. No matter how hard you try, you can't get them all the way dry. Then you end up with a wet knee from them dripping while you drive.

We've made more progress with the wedding planning, but I still don't have a place. So therefore I can't send out the save-the-date cards and everyone won't stop asking us about when we're going to send them out. Yet, none of these people have helped us find a place we can afford. I have them ready assuming we can get the date we want (July 25, 2009).

I have so many other projects to do on top of all the wedding stuff. I have no idea how I'm going to get it all done. I had to take a break after Christmas because I was too burnt out and sick, but now it's back to the sewing room. Too bad my sewing machine is in need of a tune up. I've been procrastinating on taking it somewhere. I love my Bernina and I'm afraid of handing my baby over to strangers. Even if they're qualified stranger. Weird.

Well, off to do more laundry.....

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