Wednesday, June 17, 2009

I haven't written in a while. Things have been a roller coaster around here the past couple of weeks. I found a dress! It's great, though not exactly what i was thinking originally. And since I've bought it, I've lost 15lbs. I think the stress of not having one was keeping me from losing weight. Now I just hope it still fits in 5 weeks!!!!!!!! Yeah, 5 weeks!

Work has been rough. The boss is freaking out about everything, and since I'm the manager, I take the brunt of it all. Ugh.

The memorial for Tony was last weekend. It was rough. A lot worse than I thought it would be. There was a bagpipe player. Tears all around. Sigh.

I had to replace my MOH too. It is shitty and I'm not sure I really want to talk about the who, why and how. I'm getting more done now with the new MOH, which is good now that it's crunch time (and Adri is ready to have the baby any minute now.) I needed to do this for my sanity. I was having crazy ass dreams relating to this issue. That and panic attacks during the day and overall shitty feelings. I'm still having shitty feelings, mainly guilt, but I still feel i did the right thing. Ugh.

Hopefully I'll have a happier post next time.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry about your MOH drama. I really lucked out there with Phoebe and all. But I KNOW what you mean about the dreams. I'm having CRAZY wedding dreams. TOOOO crazy!!!

    5're getting so close!
